Nokia released Nokia 7110 in .Nokia 7110 comes with . This device comes with Monochrome graphic. Nokia 7110 is packed with of unspecified chipset. At the time of writing this,the device has variants. A 600mAh Li-Po battery powers the device. The device has sensor(s).
Body | 125 x 53 x 24 mm, 125 cc (4.92 x 2.09 x 0.94 in) |
Display | Monochrome graphic |
Chipset | unspecified chipset |
Memory | |
Os/Software | |
Rear Camera | No |
Front Camera | |
Video capture | |
Battery | 600mAh Li-Po |
Sensor | The device has sensor(s). |
Misc | Dark green |
These are the specs and our opinion on Nokia 7110. Hope you have got some insights on the performance and specs of the device. We'll suggest you to compare it with devices with similar budget,then pick one according to your requirements.